🔬 Research Summary by Christopher Teo, a fourth year PhD student at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). [Original paper by Christopher T.H.Teo, Milad Abdollahzadeh, and Ngai-Man … [Read more...] about Fair Generative Model Via Transfer Learning
Research Summaries
Large Language Models Can Be Used To Effectively Scale Spear Phishing Campaigns
🔬 Research Summary by Julian Hazell, a Research Assistant at the Centre for the Governance of AI and an MSc candidate in Social Science of the Internet at the University of Oxford. [Original paper by Julian … [Read more...] about Large Language Models Can Be Used To Effectively Scale Spear Phishing Campaigns
Humans, AI, and Context: Understanding End-Users’ Trust in a Real-World Computer Vision Application
🔬 Research Summary by Sunnie S. Y. Kim, a PhD student in computer science at Princeton University working on AI transparency and explainability to help people better understand and interact with AI … [Read more...] about Humans, AI, and Context: Understanding End-Users’ Trust in a Real-World Computer Vision Application
Selecting Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Managing Health Data Use
🔬 Research Summary by Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Clara Fontaine, and Sara Jordan Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup is the Research Director of Real-World Evidence (RWE) at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy … [Read more...] about Selecting Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Managing Health Data Use
Contextualizing Artificially Intelligent Morality: A Meta-Ethnography of Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Hybrid Models for Theoretical and Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
🔬 Research Summary by Jennafer Shae Roberts, a researcher and writer for the non-profit Accel AI Institute. She focuses on the ethics of artificial intelligence coming from an anthropology background. [Original … [Read more...] about Contextualizing Artificially Intelligent Morality: A Meta-Ethnography of Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Hybrid Models for Theoretical and Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence