We livestreamed our weekly AI Ethics Learning Community seminars. Our goal was to bring together a cohort of motivated individuals to discuss important research while allowing our wider community to learn by watching them and participating in the Zoom chat room.
With our open learning model, we aimed to cultivate a friendly learning community where individuals from a wide range of backgrounds were encouraged to share their perspectives on the field.
Read the full MAIEI Learning Community Report Sep 2021
Meet our inaugural cohort:
- Tiziana Zevallos is a Design Researcher at All In, a Human-Centred Design agency.
- Wilson Lee is a Machine Learning Engineering Manager at The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization that offers suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth.
- Heather von Stackelberg is a Machine Learning Educator at the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii).
- Samuel Curtis is an AI Policy Researcher at The Future Society.
- Antonios Koulianos is Policy Advisor & Parliamentary Assistant at the European Parliament.
- Sofía Trejo is Head of Educational and Outreach Projects at Alianza en Inteligencia Artificial in Mexico.
- Matthew Hutson is a freelance science writer in New York City. He covers AI and psychology for Science, Scientific American, The New Yorker, and other publications, and is the author of The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking.
- Lujain Ibrahim is a researcher at the Laboratory for Computer-Human Intelligence at New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi and a community organizer (wrangler) at the 2021 Mozilla Festival.
- Brittany Wills is a software engineer on Twitter’s Machine Learning Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability team.
- Mitchel Fleming is a Director at Halucenex, a life sciences company developing psychedelic compounds for mental health care. He is also a soon-to-be articling student at Bereskin & Parr, an award-winning IP law firm.
- Christina Isaicu is an Operations & Research Associate at the AI4Good Lab in Montreal.
- Shreyasha Paudel is an Adjunct Research Engineer at Naamii (Nepal Applied Mathematics and Informatics Institute), and Technical Advisor at Nepal Flying Labs.
- Victoria Martín del Campo is a Philosopher at C Minds, a women-led action tank focused on tech with a strong focus in Latin America.
- Narayanamoorthy Nanditha is a 4th-year doctoral candidate in the Department of Humanities at York University investigating how hate speech, cyberbullying, and polarization emerge in digital spaces in the Indian context.
- Yurii Gaidai is an investigator at Business Ombudsman Council, an independent advisory body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
- Garima Batra is a software engineer and designer currently pursuing her Master’s in Information science at the University of Toronto.